📄️ User Grant By ID
Returns a user grant per ID. A user grant is a role a user has for a specific project and organization.
📄️ Remove User Grant
Removes the user grant from the user. The user will not be able to use the granted project anymore. Also, the roles will not be included in the tokens when requested.
📄️ Update User Grants
Update the roles of a user grant. User grants are the roles users have for a specific project and organization.
📄️ Search User Grants
Returns a list of user grants that match the search queries. User grants are the roles users have for a specific project and organization.
📄️ Add User Grant
Add a user grant for a specific user. User grants are the roles users have for a specific project and organization.
📄️ Deactivate User Grant
Deactivate the user grant. The user will not be able to use the granted project anymore. Also, the roles will not be included in the tokens when requested. An error will be returned if the user grant is already deactivated.
📄️ Reactivate User Grant
Reactivate a deactivated user grant. The user will be able to use the granted project again. An error will be returned if the user grant is not deactivated.
📄️ Bulk Remove User Grants
Remove a list of user grants. The users will not be able to use the granted project anymore. Also, the roles will not be included in the tokens when requested.