📄️ Get My Organization
Returns the organization that is sent in the x-zitadel-orgid. If no header is set the organization of the authenticated user will be returned.
📄️ Delete Organization
Deletes my organization and all its resources (Users, Projects, Grants to and from the org). Users of this organization will not be able to log in.
📄️ Update Organization
Change the name of the organization.
📄️ Get Organization By Domain
Search an organization by the domain, overall organizations. The domain must match exactly.
📄️ Get Organization History
Returns a list of changes/events that have happened in the organization. It's the history of the organization. Make sure to send a limit.
📄️ Create Organization
Create a new organization. Based on the given name a domain will be generated to be able to identify users within an organization.
📄️ Deactivate Organization
Sets the state of my organization to deactivated. Users of this organization will not be able to log in.
📄️ Reactivate Organization
Set the state of my organization to active. The state of the organization has to be deactivated to perform the request. Users of this organization will be able to log in again.
📄️ Get Organization Metadata By Key
Get a metadata object from an organization by a specific key.
📄️ Delete Organization Metadata By Key
Remove a metadata object from an organization with a specific key.
📄️ Set Organization Metadata
This endpoint either adds or updates a metadata value for the requested key. Make sure the value is base64 encoded.
📄️ Bulk Delete Metadata
Remove a list of metadata objects from an organization with a list of keys.
📄️ Bulk Set Organization Metadata
This endpoint sets a list of metadata to the organization. Make sure the values are base64 encoded.
📄️ Search Organization Metadata
Get the metadata of an organization filtered by your query.
📄️ Search Domains
Returns the list of registered domains of an organization. The domains are used to identify to which organization a user belongs.
📄️ Add Domain
Add a new domain to an organization. The domains are used to identify to which organization a user belongs.
📄️ Remove Domain
Delete a new domain from an organization. The domains are used to identify to which organization a user belongs. If the uses use the domain for login, this will not be possible afterwards. They have to use another domain instead.
📄️ Generate Domain Verification
Generate a new file to be able to verify your domain with DNS or HTTP challenge.
📄️ Verify Domain
Make sure you have added the required verification to your domain, depending on the method you have chosen (HTTP or DNS challenge). ZITADEL will check it and set the domain as verified if it was successful. A verify domain has to be unique.
📄️ Set Primary Domain
Set a domain as primary. It has to be verified to be able to be set as primary. The primary domain will be shown as suffix on the usernames as preferred loginname on this organization.
📄️ List Organization Member Roles
Members are users with permission to administrate ZITADEL on different levels. This request returns all roles possible for a ZITADEL member on the organization level.
📄️ List Organization Members
Members are users with permission to administrate ZITADEL on different levels. This request returns all users with memberships on the organization level, matching the search queries. The search queries will be AND linked.
📄️ Add Organization Member
Members are users with permission to administrate ZITADEL on different levels. This request adds a new user to the members list on the organization level with one or multiple roles.
📄️ Remove Organization Member
Members are users with permission to administrate ZITADEL on different levels. This request removes a user from the members list on an instance level. The user can still have roles on another level (iam, project)
📄️ Update Organization Member
Members are users with permission to administrate ZITADEL on different levels. This request changes the roles of an existing member. The whole roles list will be updated. Make sure to include roles that you don't want to change (remove).