Third party sub-processors for ZITADEL
Last updated on November 15, 2023
In order to achieve the best possible transparency we publish which sub-processors and services we use to provide ZITADEL and related services. The table shows what activity each entity performs. More information about each activity is provided directly below. This explains the limited processing of customer data the entity is authorized to perform.
We regularly audit all data processing agreements that we have with our sub-processors to guarantee that they adhere to the same level of privacy as ours to protect your personal data.
The following table indicates which sub-processors have access to end-user data. We try to minimize the number of sub-processors that handle end-user data on our behalf to reduce any vendor related risks. Some providers are used by default, but you can opt-out of the default provide and replace the sub-processor by a provider of your choice.
Entity name | Purpose | End-user data | Hosting location | Country of registration |
Agolia SAS | Documentation search engine ( | No | USA | India |
Bexio AG | Customer management, payment process | No | Switzerland | Switzerland |
Datadog, Inc. | Infrastructure monitoring, log analytics, and alerting | Yes (logs) | EU | USA |
Discord Netherlands BV | Community chat ( | No | USA | USA |
Github, Inc. | Source code management, code scanning, dependency management, security advisory, issue management, continuous integration | No | USA | USA |
Google LLC | Cloud infrastructure provider (Google Cloud), business applications and collaboration (Workspace), Data warehouse services, Content delivery network, DDoS and bot prevention | Yes | Region designated by Customer, United States | USA |
HubSpot Inc. | Customer and sales management, Marketing automation, Support requests | No | EU | USA |
Mailjet SAS | Marketing automation | No | EU | France |
Mohlmann Solutions SRL | Global payroll | No | n/a | Romania |
Plausible Insights OÜ | Privacy-friendly web analytics | No | Germany | Estonia |
Postmark (AC PM LLC) | Transactional mails, if no customer owned SMTP service is configured | Yes (opt-out) | USA | USA |
Remote Europe Holding, B.V. | Global payroll | No | n/a | Netherlands |
Statuspal | ZITADEL Cloud service status announcements | No | USA | Germany |
Stripe Payments Europe, Ltd. | Subscription management, payment process | No | USA | USA |
Twillio Inc. | Messaging platform for SMS | Yes (opt-out) | USA | USA |
Vercel, Inc. | Website hosting | No | USA | USA |