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User by ID​

Returns the user identified by the requested ID.

Path Parameters
    userId string required

    unique identifier of the user.


User successfully retrieved

    user object
    userId string

    ID is the read-only unique identifier of the user.

    details object

    Details provide some base information (such as the last change date) of the user.

    sequence uint64

    on read: the sequence of the last event reduced by the projection

    on manipulation: the timestamp of the event(s) added by the manipulation

    changeDate date-time

    on read: the timestamp of the last event reduced by the projection

    on manipulation: the timestamp of the event(s) added by the manipulation

    resourceOwner resource_owner is the organization or instance_id an object belongs to
    authenticators object

    The user's authenticators. They are used to identify and authenticate the user during the authentication process.

    usernames object[]

    All of the user's usernames, which will be used for identification during authentication.

  • Array [
  • usernameId string

    unique identifier of the username.

    username string

    The user's unique username. It is used for identification during authentication.

    isOrganizationSpecific boolean

    By default usernames must be unique across all organizations in an instance. This option allow to restrict the uniqueness to the user's own organization. As a result, this username can only be used if the authentication is limited to the corresponding organization.

    This can be useful if you provide multiple usernames for a single user, where one if specific to your organization, e.g.:

    • (unique across organizations)
    • gigi-giraffe (unique only inside the ZITADEL organization)
  • ]
  • password object

    If the user has set a password, the time it was last changed will be returned.

    lastChanged date-time

    States the time the password was last changed.

    webAuthN object[]

    Meta information about the user's WebAuthN authenticators.

  • Array [
  • webAuthNId string

    unique identifier of the WebAuthN authenticator.

    name string

    Name of the WebAuthN authenticator. This is used for easier identification.

    isVerified boolean

    State whether the WebAuthN registration has been completed.

    userVerified boolean

    States if the user has been verified during the registration. Authentication with this device will be considered as multi factor authentication (MFA) without the need to check a password (typically known as Passkeys). Without user verification it will be a second factor authentication (2FA), typically done after a password check.

    More on WebAuthN User Verification:

  • ]
  • totps object[]

    A list of the user's time-based one-time-password (TOTP) authenticators, incl. the name for identification.

  • Array [
  • totpId string

    unique identifier of the time-based one-time-password (TOTP) authenticator.

    name string

    The name provided during registration. This is used for easier identification.

    isVerified boolean

    State whether the TOTP registration has been completed.

  • ]
  • otpSms object[]

    A list of the user's one-time-password (OTP) SMS authenticators.

  • Array [
  • otpSmsId string

    unique identifier of the one-time-password (OTP) SMS authenticator.

    phone string

    The phone number used for the OTP SMS authenticator.

    isVerified boolean

    State whether the OTP SMS registration has been completed.

  • ]
  • otpEmail object[]

    A list of the user's one-time-password (OTP) Email authenticators.

  • Array [
  • otpEmailId string

    unique identifier of the one-time-password (OTP) Email authenticator.

    address string

    The email address used for the OTP Email authenticator.

    isVerified boolean

    State whether the OTP Email registration has been completed.

  • ]
  • authenticationKeys object[]

    A list of the user's authentication keys. They can be used to authenticate e.g. by JWT Profile.

  • Array [
  • authenticationKeyId string

    ID is the read-only unique identifier of the authentication key.

    details object
    sequence uint64

    on read: the sequence of the last event reduced by the projection

    on manipulation: the timestamp of the event(s) added by the manipulation

    changeDate date-time

    on read: the timestamp of the last event reduced by the projection

    on manipulation: the timestamp of the event(s) added by the manipulation

    resourceOwner resource_owner is the organization or instance_id an object belongs to
    type the file type of the key



    expirationDate date-time

    After the expiration date, the key will no longer be usable for authentication.

  • ]
  • identityProviders object[]

    A list of the user's linked identity providers (IDPs).

  • Array [
  • idpId string

    IDP ID is the read-only unique identifier of the identity provider in ZITADEL.

    idpName string

    IDP name is the name of the identity provider in ZITADEL.

    userId string

    The user ID represents the ID provided by the identity provider. This ID is used to link the user in ZITADEL with the identity provider.

    username string

    The username represents the username provided by the identity provider.

  • ]
  • contact object

    Contact information for the user. ZITADEL will use this in case of internal notifications.

    email object

    Email contact information of the user.

    address string

    Email address of the user.

    isVerified boolean

    IsVerified states if the email address has been verified to belong to the user.

    phone object

    Phone contact information of the user.

    number string

    Phone number of the user.

    isVerified boolean

    IsVerified states if the phone number has been verified to belong to the user.

    state string



    State of the user.

    schema object

    The schema the user and it's data is based on.

    id string

    The unique identifier of the user schema.

    type string

    The human readable name of the user schema.

    revision int64

    The revision the user's data is based on of the revision.

    data object

    The user's data based on the provided schema.
