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Search Events​

Returns a list of the possible event types in ZITADEL. This is used to filter the event types in the list events request.

Request Body required
    sequence uint64

    Sequence represents the order of events. It's always counting. If asc is false, the sequence is used as lesser than filter. If asc is true sequence is used as greater than filter. If the sequence is 0 the field is ignored.

    limit int64

    Maximum amount of events returned.

    asc boolean

    default is descending sorting order

    editorUserId string
    eventTypes string[]

    The types are filtered by 'or' and must match the type exactly.

    aggregateId string
    aggregateTypes string[]
    resourceOwner string
    creationDate date-time

    Use from instead.

    range object
    since date-time

    The events returned are younger than the UTC since date

    until date-time

    The events returned are older than the UTC until date.

    from date-time

    If asc is false, the events returned are older than the UTC from date. If asc is true, the events returned are younger than from.


A successful response.

    events object[]
  • Array [
  • editor object
    userId string
    displayName string
    service string
    aggregate object
    id string
    type object
    type string
    localized object
    key string
    localizedMessage string
    resourceOwner string
    sequence uint64
    creationDate date-time

    The timestamp the event occurred

    payload object

    Payload contains the data of the event.

    type object
    type string
    localized object
    key string
    localizedMessage string
  • ]